Replying to @Cierra 🐝 Even if a Virgo was wrong, they were still right 😌 #astrologytiktok #sistersign #virgo #pisces #virgomemes #piscesmemes
This was the whole reason that Capricorn had the list 😒 #astrologytiktok #earthsign #earthsigns
Replying to @megs If a Leo is asking you a question, you better believe that they’re going to be answering it too 😌 #leo #aquarius #sistersign #astrologytiktok #leomemes #aquariusmemes
Cancers, date someone with secure attachment challenge! Level: impossible 🥰 #cancer #astrologytiktok #sistersign #capricorn #cancermemes #capricornmemes #Loveyourboobs
can you guess their sign? answer at the end 👀 #astrologytiktok #astrologymemes #CHANIapp
Replying to @Onya Solomon You already know that when Libra is involved, there will be no crumbs 💕 #sistersign #libra #aries #astrologytiktok #libramemes #ariesmemes
Leave it to a Scorpio to not give you the whole story and to a Taurus to follow their “own advice only.” Sister signs for life 💕 Do you have either of these in your big 3? Let us know 👀 #taurus #scorpio #sistersign #taurusmemes #scorpiomemes #astrologytiktok
They genuinely don’t know you now 🤷
“It’s the thought that counts.” - A Cancer, probably 😭 #zodiacmemes #astrologytiktok #astrologymemes
One thing about a Mars-ruled friend: they are always going to have your back. For better or for worse 🫣 #astrologytiktok #marsruled #martian #scorpio #aries
Replying to @Lexxbby🤍✨ HAPPY SAGITTARIUS SZN 💕 Take your favoeite Sag out to eat today, and tag them in the comments 😌 #sistersign #astrologytiktok #sagittarius #gemini #sagittariusmemes #geminimemes #Loveyourboobs
If a Gemini is going to do one thing, it’s giggle 🤓 #gemini #libra #aries #astrologytiktok
Air signs, let us know 👀 do you agree with this assessment? Don’t forget to check CHANI to see what air placements you have and how they might be affected by current astrology 💫 #libra #aquarius #gemini #astrologytiktok
Guess their sign! Reveal at the end 👀 #astrologytiktok #astrotiktok #zodiactiktok
Did you really think that a Sag was going to care? 🙂↔️ #astrologytiktok #sagittarius #sagittariusmemes
Fire sign roll call 🔊 Do you agree with these assessments? Let us know 👀 And if you want to check what fire placements you might have, don’t forget to check CHANI! 💕 #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #sagittarius #leo #aries #firesigns
because as a sagittarius, why would you even hold the truth back? 🧐 #sagittarius #sagittariusenergy #astrologytiktok
Nothing says toxic like a Scorpio with a Scorpio ❤️🩹 #scorpio #scorpiomemes #astrologytiktok
Happy New Year’s to all the Leos out there 🤩 What’s on your resolution list? 👀 #astrologytiktok #astrotiktok #zodiactiktok
How are our Geminis feeling about your New Year’s resolutions? Did you find your list of them yet? 🙂 #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #gemini
is there any sign that can hold a grudge like a scorpio? let us know 👀 and don’t forget to check the CHANI app to see if you have any key placements in scorpio 🤩 #scorpio #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok
stay til the end for the shocking revelation of kaden with a k’s sign 👁️👁️ #pisces #astrologytiktok #astrologymemes
Don’t call them out on this though 🫣 #libra #libramemes #astrologytiktok
2025 is right around the corner 🫣 Have y’all started writing your resolutions yet? #pisces #pisces♓️ #nye2024 #astrologytiktok
we listen and we don’t judge 🙂↕️ except we do judge. a lot. do you have placements in scorpio or leo? check CHANI to find out 👀 #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #scorpio #leo
Chicken nuggets would solve so much 😩 Sign reveal at the end but can you guess their zodiac before that? 👀 #astrologytiktok #astrotiktok #zodiactiktok
Raise your hand if a Gemini has hurt your feelings ☺️ #CHANIapp #astrologymemes #astrologytiktok #gemini
A Virgo is always gonna tell it to you straight, no sugarcoating ☝️ #virgo #virgomemes #astrologytiktok #earthsignmemes
Gemini needs to take it down to a 3 before Scorpio has the time to hold space for them 🤪 #scorpio #marsruled #scorpiomemes #watersigns
You already know that a Capricorn’s New Year’s Resolutions are going to be color-coded, meticulous, and goal-oriented 😭 Caps, what’s on your list? #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #capricorn
GEMINI ROLL CALL 🔊 Be honest, how many of you have done this 👀 And don’t forget to check CHANI to see what key Gemini placements you might have ♊️ #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #gemini #astrotiktok
Yes, they have receipts. They’re just waiting for the right time to bring them out 😌 #astrologytiktok #scorpio #scorpio♏️ #CHANIapp
Can you guess their sign? Reveal at the end 👀 #astrologytiktok #astrotiktok #zodiactiktok
Have y’all been working on your New Year’s Resolutions? Let us know 👀 #aquarius #aquariusseason #nye
And you know what, a Capricorn stands by it! 🐐 #capricorn #capricornmemes #earthsigns
Taurus, what are your New Year’s resolutions? 👀 #taurus #earthsigns #astrologytiktok
Aries, what are your New Year’s resolutions? 👀 #astrologytiktok #astrotiktok #zodiactiktok
Which lawyer are you choosing? 👀 #astrologytiktok #astrologymemes #CHANIapp
We listen and we don’t judge 🤫 Aquarius and Taurus edition ✨ #aquarius #taurus #sistersigns #zodiacmemes
Just Libra things 🤪 Tag your favorite Libra in the comments 🩷 #libra #libramemes #astrologytiktok #astrotiktok
As of 12:05 am PT today, Jupiter is retrograde. But don’t panic! As one of the farther planets from the Sun, Jupiter spends half of every year retrograde. Now is the time to reflect, review, and restructure your goals around growth, healing, learning, and personal development. Reword your dreams using more precise words. Edit your favorite affirmations to make them more impactful. Streamline overly ambitious plans and choose a lane. Jupiter retrograde asks us: Where are you entertaining too many options and not narrowing your focus down enough to make headway on any? #jupiterretrograde #astromemes #astrologymemes #zodiacmemes #astrology
Lilith is the protector of all who live on the margins and all who refuse to be ground down or declawed by oppressive structures. Reflecting the themes of this archetype, Black Moon Lilith in your natal chart can hint at where you tend to be defiant, untamable, and fiercely independent. It’s a subtle pulse point in your birth chart, one that signals your deepest, most authentic urges. When Black Moon Lilith transits part of our natal chart, it can also indicate a moment when these themes are activated in our lives — when we might feel a little left out, projected upon, or angry. Trying to suppress such emotions is a waste of time, but great power is available to you if you pay attention to that shadowy energy and channel it. Like Lilith, many of us have also been exiled from our own wildness, severed from the instinctive knowledge of our animal bodies, and forced to commodify and curate every part of ourselves instead of embracing the unknowable. By learning about your natal Black Moon Lilith, you have an opportunity to reclaim the parts of you that are exquisitely untamed. You can learn more about your Lilith placement in the CHANI app! #astrology #blackmoonlilith
Every earth and water sign needs a fire or air bestie! Name a better duo, we’ll wait 😌 #astrologytiktok #airsignmemes #watersignmemes #earthsignmemes #firesignmemes
Scorpio, how many of you have vowed vengeance on your New Year’s resolutions 😭 Let us know 👀 #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #scorpio
Is your sign on the list? Let us know in the comments 👁️👁️ If you’re curious about your birth chart, you can always count on CHANI to help you figure it out 💕 #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #astrotiktok
Have you all seen Wicked? And do you agree with these choices 👀 Let us know in the comments! #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #wickedthemusical
can you guess what’s coming? you’re not gonna wanna miss this… #astrology #astrologytiktok #zodiacmemes #astrologyapps
CHECKPOINT ⚠️ Today at 10:30 pm PT, Mars squares Saturn. If you’ve been living too much in the land of hypotheticals, interrogate these mental misfires and course-correct. Reframe obstacles as an opportunity to do away with distractions and hone in on what you actually want to pour your energy into. How will you separate the passing whims from the more serious soul-callings? #astrologytiktok #mercuryretrograde #leoseason
The silver lining to the chaotic energy of eclipse season 🥰 How is everyone feeling after this week’s lunar eclipse in Pisces? Let us know in the comments 💕 #airsignmemes #watersignmemes #zodiacmemes #earthsignmemes #firesignmemes #astromemes
Tag your favorite Leo 🤩 #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #leo
We listen and we don’t judge (out loud) 🫶 Cancer and Aries edition 🤩 #cancer #aries #astrologytiktok
Sleep stories are LIVE in the CHANI app 👀 Have you listened yet? Are you even awake enough to tell us if you are? Let us know in the comments 💕 #astrologytiktok #sleepytime #astrology
We wouldn’t be surprised if a Gemini WAS behind the idea of TikTok 😭 What’s your sign and how did you cope with the ban? Let us know 👀 #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #mutablesigns
The signs as cats because why not? All signs are included in this video! 😻 #airsigns💨 #watersigns🌊 #firesigns🔥 #earthsigns☘ #zodiacmemes
Happy Gemini season! Send this to your air sign besties so they know you’ve got them figured out 😌 #gemini♊️ #geminiseason♊️ #airsignmemes
The week of September 23rd is brimming with interesting astrology! Let’s get right into it ✨ 🖤 Venus is traveling through Scorpio until October 17th. Right now, casual flings are out and twin flames are in. In this Mars-ruled sign, the planet of love also understands that deep intimacy is something worth fighting for, even when it makes us uncomfortable. 🦢 Mercury enters Libra on September 26th at 1:09 am PT. In this lush air sign, charm and flirtations abound! But don’t get it twisted: The planet of ideas and communication becomes refined while occupying this air sign. It doesn’t plow ahead with bombastic hot takes or dash off impulsive “R u up?” texts. Instead, it calculates, strategizes, and elegantly composes itself before hitting “Send.” 🎆 On September 29th at 12:24 am PT, the Sun conjoins the South Node. This is a moment of release and shedding the parts of your identity that you no longer resonate with. This is a necessary clearing out. When you get rid of what’s not working, you can make room for what does. A don’t forget, superstars, eclipse season is still in full swing. Eclipses can be unsettling and overwhelming times. Suppressed truths and shadows splash into the light of awareness, asking to be lovingly witnessed and reclaimed. But it’s important to avoid burning yourself out in the process. That’s it for your weekly astro report 🔮 What transit are you feeling the most this week? Let us know in the comments and remember, here at Team CHANI, WE’RE ROOTING FOR YOU 💘 #astroguide #eclipseseason #eclipseseason2024 #venusinscorpio
Wishing a happy Gemini season to all the air signs that this has happened to 😔 #airsignmemes #geminiseason♊️ #notallgeminis
This is your sign to check in on your fire sign friends 🩷 #aries #leo #sagittarius #zodiacmemes
Tag yourself 🫣 All signs included in this video! What’s your Big 3? Let us know in the comments 🩷 #geminiseason #watersignmemes #earthsignmemes #airsignmemes #firesignmemes
When you’re locked in with an earth or water sign, you’re locked in for life 🔐
sagittarius, we say this with love 🐎 curious about your sag placements? check the CHANI app to learn more 💕 #astrologytiktok #zodiactiktok #sagittarius
We listen and we don’t judge 🥰 Only sometimes we do judge idk 😚 Do you have Libra or Cap placements in your chart? Check the CHANI app to find out! 💕 #astrologytiktok #capricorn #libra
They’re thinking about how they could already be done with their skincare routine by now 🥲 #pisces #scorpio #cancer #watersigns