Are you going to Netflix & chill today? 🍿 #stocks #investing #DEGIRO
Has inflation impacted you? 😬 #DEGIRO #inflation #investing #finance #trading #moneytok
Porsche is public now!👀 #DEGIRO #investing #stocks
Are you team Tesla or team Toyota?👀 #DEGIRO #investing #stocks
Do you believe in the Metaverse?✨ #DEGIRO #investing #stocks
Bye Facebook, hello Meta! 👋#DEGIRO #investing #stocks
Did you wait long at the airport last year?🥲 #DEGIRO #investing #stocks
🥶 #DEGIRO #investing #stocks
Habe you seen an ad today? #stocks #investing #DEGIRO
What is the first company you invested in and why? 📈 #stocks #investing #degiro
Are you invested in ETFs? 😋
Do you invest in stocks? #stocks #investing #DEGIRO
What was your biggest investment mistake?😬 #investing #finance #degiro #stocks
Want to take timing the market out of the equation and rather build your position over time? Dollar cost averaging can help you with that! 💸 #investing #degiro #stock #broker #dollarcostaveraging
Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. - Albert Einstein 🌎 #investing #degiro #stock #broker #compoundinterest