This year's Lion’s Gate holds exceptional significance. Enhanced by the angel number 888 (8/8/ 8=2+0+2+4), it is considered to bring an extra dimension of transformative energy to the Lion’s Gate Portal. If manifestation is part of your spiritual practice, today is the most potent day of the year to manifest and attracting abundance into your life. Find Lion’s Gate practices on Insight Timer, for free.
Learning nature's ways of grace.
We have the power to rise above our challenges.
Let's flip the script on how we communicate. Stephen R. Covey invites us to listen deeply – that's where real connection begins.
It’s about moving through life effortlessly, with grace.
Honouring moments of striking gratitude with the poetic teachings of Sarah Blondin🙏 Check out Sarah's free meditations on the Insight Timer App.
Taking it one day at a time ❤️ #mentalhealth #wellness #selfcare #happiness #meditation #selflove
What makes Box Breathing so great is that it's easy to memorize. So, when reality hits and it all feels like too much, you can always turn to this super-effective technique to calm down. Anywhere, anytime.
On self-worthiness. Listen to the full peactice on our app, for free: A Home for Love by Alex Elle.
Monday reminder: just let yourself be well. Credit: Sarah Blondin, "Sustenance Snack" guided meditation.
Whether you call it Orenda, Prana or Chi, one thing’s for sure: you hold a very special kind of magic within you ✨
The key to contentment is already in your hands.
Ever noticed how a swim in the ocean or a barefoot stroll on the grass brings a calming sensation? That’s the earthing effect at work. Sooo what happens if you make this a regular, intentional practice? Magic 🪄 Give it a go and share your experience with us. Just remember to avoid the too-chilly ground! #earthing #grounding
Full moon contemplation 🌕
This week’s reminder: when you choose authenticity over fitting in, you tap into a strength that's uniquely yours.
in the n o w
Inhale the magic, exhale your doubts ✨ If falling asleep to the tales about collective consciousness is to your liking, check out Bethany Auriel-Hagan on our app. Some gems right there 💎
'Tis the season. We find ourselves craving little pockets of snug, everyday joy that make us feel warm and fuzzy inside. Having a name for it—hygge—opens our eyes to these moments, inviting us to embrace the cozy contentment it brings.
Shaucha: as within,so without.
Your self-love is your benchmark for how you expect to be treated by others.
The idea that our worth is defined by the work we do is so deeply ingrained in modern culture that many of us adopt this narrow view by default. But hey, we're so much more than that! Life's filled with different ways to shine. Understanding and following this notion makes creating a balanced and fulfilling life so much easier.
The journey of growth is not linear 🌱
In light of International Men's Day, we want to encourage men to challenge the outdated notions we hold about masculinity. To live authentically means to talk openly, to ask for help, and to show and share emotion without reservation.
As our understanding deepens, the world's enchantments unfold.
Who's steering your ship – the ego or the higher self? Ask yourself before reacting.
#stitch with @Anna Barger one door closed means another one open ❤️ #rejection #regret #selflove #selfcare #mentalhealth #acceptance
One breath at a time.
Do you know that you can reprogramme your brain through the practice of affirmation? Here’re 3 affirmations from one of our incredible teachers - Alex Elle 💜
Setting intention for a meaningful day with @reubz🤩
What makes Box Breathing so great is that it's easy to memorize. So, when reality hits and it all feels like too much, you can always turn to this super-effective technique to calm down. Anywhere, anytime.
It's so easy to miss the point where your mental health starts to spiral. Taking on a little too much here, skimping on sleep there, letting boundaries slip, giving into mindless activities... before you know it, you're back in a rut, feeling drained and uninspired; trading the 360° view of abundance for tunnel vision. This #WorldMentalHealthDay, let’s make a promise to pause regularly and ask: ‘How am I *really* doing?’—and give ourselves the same care we’d give a friend.
Not sure about you, but we’re *so* ready for the next 4 weeks of fine-tuning the scales of life. Head to the Plus tab to read the full #libraseason summary on the app.
Monday reset! 💐💭 starting this week with a clear mind and an open heart #selflove #selfcare #meditation #reflection #monday #mondaymotivation
10 screenshot-worthy transformational tips 🤍
What lies within you is yours alone—discover it, cherish it, let it guide you. Meditation credit: Sarah Blondin.
On honouring endings. Listen to the full meditation on our app: Honouring Endings by Terri Cole.
When asked how you're doing, the default response is often a reflexive "I'm fine," right? Modern pressures can make positivity feel like a forced obligation. That's why authentic positivity is key—it's about embracing the full range of emotions and consciously choosing to highlight the positives, without ignoring or downplaying the challenges we face.
Set boundaries and protect your peace ❤️🩹 #boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #selflove #selfcare
Did you know that box-breathing is a go-to tool of Navy SEALs in high-stress situations? Listen to the whole practice on Damian Chaparro's profile on the app.
#ScorpioSeason is here, inviting us to dive deep into our psyches and embrace transformation 🪐 Read the full Scorpio Season summary in the Plus Tab.
What makes you feel most appreciated? 💗👇 #appreciation #wordsofaffirmation #lovelanguage #selflove #relationship #love
The most rewarding paths in life are often the ones we carve out for ourselves ✌️
Take a moment for yourself before beginning your week 🧘♀️ #meditation #selfcare #wellness #meditationjourney #reset #weeklyreset
In our fast-paced lives, we could all benefit from some 'yutori'. What helps you invite more spaciousness in your life?
Your equinox ritual can be beautifully simple. Tune into its high celestial energy with intentions, gently spoken over a the glow of a candle. Meditation credit: Sarah Robinson.
Meditation is your anchor in life's storms.
Be kind to yourself 💜 An important reminder by @reubz🤩
A quick the reminder from davidji to live in peace with the entire Universe that resides inside of you 🌌 Explore more of davidji's spiritual magic on our app, for free.
Resistance to change leaves us blind to the possibilities that lie just beyond our comfort zone.
The fear of making mistakes is often the biggest obstacle to our happiness and growth. Don’t let it paralyze you.
Figuring out which activities nourish you and proactively integrating nourishing activities into your daily routine is key to sustaining long-term balance. What helps you break up that energy of stagnation and fatigue? Explore Amanda Sellers teachings on Insight Timer.
In case you needed to hear this today 🫂
Repost by Stephanie Hampton: Life is a puzzle, but you hold the key 💕🧩🔑 #selflove #selfcare #meditation #reflection #morningroutine #dayinthelife
Is it time to proactively rest & digest?
Having your needs met matters and communicating them is key ❤️ #relationship #relationshipadvice #love #selflove #selfcare #relationshiptips
The purrfect sound for a mini break. 😴
Who needs a lullaby when you've got Yoga Nidra? Float away to dreamland with Jennifer Piercy🌛
Develop a vision beyond sight, into depth. Meditation credit: davidji.
Repost @LO’Co 🧘♀️✨ because we all feel lonely sometimes, and that’s perfectly okay. #insighttimer #meditation #loneliness #selfcare #wellness #meditationjourney
Liza Colpa shares her heartbreaking story with our audience, offering support to those who feel they are losing hope. Liza's gentle teachings serve as a testament to the possibility of healing. Support Liza by exploring her exploring her empowering work on Insight Timer.
Need an instant stress reset? The physiological sigh is your answer. This method was scientifically proven to calm the nervous system in 3 simple steps.
Close your eyes, listen to the windchimes, and let the wind orchestrate your mood 😌
We created this playlist of free practices to help those impacted by #HurricaneMilton. Please share with anyone affected who could use a little extra mental support:
What answers come up for you? Share in the comments👇 Discover more wisdom from davidji on Insight Timer.
What does self-care mean for you?
Release the weight of always being 'the strong one. No backbends, no pretence—just you, resting. Explore beautiful teachings of Dora Kamau on our app, for free💜
Close your eyes and surrender to the hypnotic vibrations of cello.
Community 🤝 Positive Workplaces #selfcare #wellness #selflove #mentalhealth #happiness #belonging #community #insighttimer
Remember that relaxation is productive too 😴💤 #rest #wellness #wellnesstok #selflove #selfcare #newyearsresolution
Close your eyes, take a breath, and make a wish. ✨
Peek into the playroom of your subconscious this #WorldSleepDay.
Thoughts are not contained within us; they have the power to reach out and affect the world around us.
The only path that leads to liberation and enlightenment. “The best way out is always through.” - Robert Frost
Manifest abundance with these 5 powerful affirmations 🙌
Dive deep into your core and awaken the sensation of abundance that resides in you. Check out the full meditation by Melissa Ambrosini's teaching on our app, for free.
Strength in diversity, hope in solidarity 🙏
Pure white noise for natural deep sleep inducing.
Tag your soul sister and celebrate the journey you share. 🌷 This International Women's Day, let's honor every tear and triumph of womanhood.
Stop trying to control everything. Not only are you unable to, but it also hinders your flow.
Today's mantra: inhale love, exhale gratitude with JuneB 🧘♀️✨
Let your breath guide you back to your fluid essence. Discover more from Jennifer Piercy on the Insight Timer App, for free.
Daily reminder: honour your needs. Meditation credit: @Justin Michael Williams
It's all about finding that golden mean.
Fun fact: Birdsong reduces our stress levels, even when it's just a recording🕊️
Moral of the story: trust yout gut ❤️🩹 #lessons #lessons #lessonlearned #regrets #mentalhealth #intuition
OPTIMISM & EXPANSION are the watchwords for this Sagittarius season. To tap into this energy, we must first conquer our fears and cultivate deep trust—the trust that everything unfolds just as it should, even amidst challenges. This meditation from @spiritdaughter will help you align with the season's vibrant energy:
Did you know that journaling helps you not only calm your nerves but get more clarity about the situation that bothers you? When it doubt, pen it down!
Pause here for a couple of deep breaths.
Have ypu worked with your chakras before? Checkout the full free chakrq openjng practice by davidji on our app 🧘
Let go, let be, and feel the rhythmic flow within with this magical sleep meditation by Jennifer Piercy. Listen to the full track Yoga Nidra For Deep Sleep on our app, for free 💜
Your reminder to be here and now. That's where the magic happens.
Make gratitide your daily jam, and watch your world transform.
Repeat these with us. Follow Lalah Delia on our app for more inspiring teachings.
Unleash the power within you that's mightier than any external force. Check out Silas Day, an expert in Stoic and Buddhist wisdom, on our app for free.
Do you frequently criticise yourself for things you did or didn't do? Or do you view mistakes as opportunities for growth and feel excited about this transformation in the long run? Meditation credit @alex_elle
Leave instant gratification fixes behind in 2024 and fuel your brain with sustainable joy.
Merry Xmas, from our hearts to yours 🤍
Stepping into the new year with resolve, not just resolutions 🔥
A little 'friluftsliv' to recharge the soul? Sounds very fine by us 😌
Screenshot & share your 2025 vision with the world ✨ Don’t forget to tag us! We'll feature our favorite boards in stories 🔥
If you ask us, the practice of giving thanks shouldn’t be reserved for just one day a year. In our book, gratitude is a daily non-negotiable, essential for our well-being. Sure, it’s easy to get swept up in the daily grind and lose sight of life’s plentiful gifts. That’s exactly why gratitude takes practice. These 5 easy prompts will help you with just that.
How about we leave old grudges in 2024 and step into the new year liberated and at peace? Here's how it works👇 1. Set the intention to address and resolve an issue, whether it's a conflict with another person, a personal concern, or an internal emotional blockage. 2. Reflect on the situation and your role in it. Recognize that your experiences and reactions are often a reflection of your inner world. 3. Begin by internally saying "I'm sorry." It's an acknowledgment of your responsibility, not necessarily for causing the issue, but for allowing it to affect your state of being. 4. Follow with "Please forgive me." You're not just asking for forgiveness from others, but also from yourself, which is a crucial step in healing. 5. Then say "Thank you." Express gratitude for the opportunity to clear negative emotions and for the learning experience the situation has provided. 6. Love: Conclude with "I love you." Sending love to the situation, others involved, and yourself helps to transmute negative energy into positive.
🙏 ☮️
Beware of these energy vampires 🧛♂️
We romanticize winter coziness during the other three seasons. Yet when it's time to bundle up with blankets, teas, and books, we often find ourselves feeling low and unmotivated. The reason? Seasonal affective disorder. It's time to get proactive and fend it off with these simple remedies👆
Here’s to weekends at your own pace 💜
The term itself comes from two Sanskrit words: "sam" meaning completely, and "tosha" meaning satisfaction or contentment. Complete contentment. Doesn’t this sound like the state of mind we're all striving for?
Here’s to turning the marks of our past into the testimonies of resilience ❤️🩹
A quick weekend reset can be as easy as a moment of silence and a scent that brings you back to your happy place.
Growth is... shedding the external influences, expectations, and self-imposed limitations that have obscured your true self.
Life’s fast pace can make it way too easy to choose instant gratification over something that’s actually good for you in the long run. But hey, slowing down is the secret sauce. What’s *your* medicine?
Who’s your trusted companion for those deep dive conversations? Tag them to express youe gratitude.
Liberate your heart ✨
Reflect with us: When do you truly feel seen? Comment below.
May the worlds beyond welcome you with the same wonder you've inspired in us 🙏
Feeling meh after a long day? This restoring practice by Lalah Delia is exactly what you need. Listen to the full practice on her Insight Timer profile, for free.
Regularly asking yourself what you need to feel more balanced and grounded can be a game-changer for your well-being. What would you take right now?
A quick reminder to Pause. Breathe. Refill.